Weekly Classes


    Wednesday 6:00pm - 7:00pm (Starting October - seven week course)

    Karma Coast Collective, Tynemouth

    Chakra yoga weaves the philosophical knowledge of chakras with the physical practice. Each week, we shall ascend the chakra system from the root to the crown.

    The chakras are energy centres where energetic pathways of the body meet and converge. There are seven main chakras located along the length of the spine. Each chakra has different correspondences - for example, The Root Chakra is associated with the element of Earth and has a focus of grounding and survival. 

    A mixed level class - suitable for both beginners and those with a more established practice. The style and intensity will vary from week to week, but there will always be options for you to find where you feel confident to practise. There is always an option to rest whenever you want.


    Wednesday 7:30pm - 8:30pm (Starting October)

    Karma Coast Collective, Tynemouth

    The most mellow of all my classes. The majority of the class is usually done lying down using a range of props to support us so we can fully relax into each posture for about 3-6 minutes.

    The idea is that we go deeper than the muscles and we begin to relax the tissue around our joints - ligaments, tendons & fascia.

    Most importantly the aim is to relax , to pause, to have 60 minutes to yourself to simple be.

    I found this style of yoga particularly useful when I was burnt out and when I was recovering from surgery. (Please seek medical advice before undertaking any physical activity)

    This is a gentle class suitable for all levels.


    Friday 9:15am - 10:15am

    Karma Coast Collective, Tynemouth

    Moving with the breath we’ll work, through sun salutations, a strong, yet simple vinyasa flow incorporating longer holds to work on feeling strength and stability in the body. After the class, there is the option to get a coffee at Regular Jos and head down to the beach for a quick dip.

    This is a medium paced mixed level class - which means different options will be given throughout the class so you can choose what feels best for you on the day. For complete beginners, medium pace can sometimes feel a little fast, but usually it all falls into place in a few weeks.